Saturday, February 25, 2006

Finally Moved

Hello again everyone. Sorry for the long delay in posting, but it has been a frenzied two weeks. We finally sold our house and had to be out in 4 weeks. Plus we had to do some minor repairs to it, as well as some major repairs and fix ups (actually built a bedroom in the basement for Michael)to the church parsonage.
But everything looks great. We moved Thursday and Friday, and so now we are just unpacking and setting up rooms. What an experience. Every time I move I ask myself,"Why do I have so much stuff?" and every time I move I seem to get rid of more and more.

I know it's not just me, our society is fixated on having more. More buffets, more food selections at the buffet. More toys, more buttons, more horse-power, more stuff! What would happen if we just gave up the 80% of the stuff we don't need or even use, and instead invested in the Kingdom of heaven? Thus the answer that some of you were wondering from the start of this blog, "Why did you move?" Suzanne and I have really been challenged lately on two levels. 1st to honor God in everything! 2nd to live a debt free life. Why pay a mortgage and taxes when you can use that same money to support a missionary and the church. Why allow yourself to maintain the same debt load year after year after year, when in one year you can be 95% debt free (the car will take a couple extra months).

If you live your life (completely) for the Lord, your desire should be to please the Lord in everything, from finances to faithfulness. Our God gave His all, it's time we start giving our all! What stuff can you give up today and instead invest in the kingdom of heaven? Maybee that $1.00 soda, if you drink water and give the $1.00 to the Lord in one year you have just given $365 to the Lord. Or how about that Starbucks? Imagine what you could do for the Lord. You could almost cover a missionaries entire month of support needed if you gave to God instead of stomach and taste buds.

Well didn't meen for this to turn into a sermon, just want us to consider what level of stuff we give to God vs. Self. Keep your focus on Him!

Friday, February 10, 2006

We Got One For The Thumb

After waiting 16 years of my life, since I was in 6th grade, the Pittsburgh Steelers have given me the joy of celebrating their 5th Super Bowl victory! Way to go Steelers! Even though it wasn't the most entertaining of Super Bowls, and sure there were some questionable calls, but hey, a win is a win. Enjoy your retirement "Bus" you deserve it. For all of my friends and family back in PA, it sure was lonely watching the game with only one other Steeler fan (thanks Pastor Eric). Living in St.Louis doesn't afford me much black and gold material. So if any of you feel led to send me a Super Bowl champions hat or t-shirt, I wouldn't object.
Way to go steelers, way to go!