Monday, February 26, 2007

Continuous Worship

"I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips" (Ps. 34:1).
"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple" (Ps. 27:4).

Is it little wonder why God called David a man after His own heart? Why have we in the American church failed to make this a priority. Tommy Tenney writes, "David did two things to make sure God's presence remained in Jerusalem. First, he preparted a place for God's presence by constructing a tabernacle without walls or a veil. Second, he did something special once the Levites arrived at the tabernacle and set the Ark of the Covenant in place. He created a "living" mercy seat of worship in the tabernacle so God would be pleased to sit and remain in the humble sanctuary."

Does continuous worship, as in David's day, create an open heaven? I believe that it does. We must be men and women of intercessory prayer and praise 24/7. Revelation 12:10 tells us that our enemy accuses God's people "day and night." There is never a moment that Satan is not seeking to hinder God's people and His work. Since the enemies warfare is continuous, we ought to counteract his attaks continuously 24/7. I love what IHOP ( in Kansas City is doing. They have established a 24/7 prayer and praise room.

Take a moment to Read Isa.62:1-2,6-7 ( Christ has come for all! This declares that, "The nations will see your righteousness..." We must be in continuous prayer and praise if we expect to see the Kingdom of heaven extended beyond what it is now. The great commission must be fulfilled! The church must have a hunger for God and a passion to win souls. This I believe will only happen when we get back to what we were created for - WORSHIP!

"The flame of white-hot worship from every tribe tongue, people and nation will, indeed, send an unending flow of prayer-filled incense to the throne of God. And that will be just the beginning!" Dick Eastman - Pathways of Delight.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


For anyone to say that there is not an attack on Christianity all they need to do is to look at this challenge to America ( Let me caution you of some of the videos that have been created. They not only are a great disapointment to see young teenagers deny the existense of God, but there are some words both spoken and visible that are offensive.

The organizers of the challenge promised a free copy of The God Who Wasn't There DVD to the first 1,001 who accepted the challenge. The DVD normally sells for $24.98.

As of today, there are 950 video responses to the challenge posted on YouTube.

In their news release about the challenge, the organizers said, "While anyone can participate in The Blasphemy Challenge, the Rational Response Squad is focused on reaching a young demographic." To reach that age group, the organizers advertised their campaign on Web sites popular with teens, including Xanga, Friendster, Tiger Beat, Teen Magazine, YM, CosmoGirl! and Seventeen.

By accepting the challenge, participants supposedly are showing others that there is nothing to fear from God, because he doesn't exist. If they are wrong, they have supposedly consigned themselves to an eternity in hell.

If you log on to youtube and view the videos be sure to watch response #945. Thank you girls for affirming your faith and belief in God!

We had a brief discussion in Bible study last night on a similar subject, eternal security, can a person forefit their salvation?, were they even saved in the first place?, If I deny Christ from here on out and confess that I no longer believe he exists and do everythin possible to make sure no one else follows him will I still get into heaven?

What are your thoughts on the subject? I'd love to hear them.