Thursday, April 19, 2007

PWs no not Pastor Wayne but Pastor's Wives

It is often said that it is the woman behind the man that makes the man. Well I know that as a couple Suzanne and I compliment each others gifts and continue to become all that God wants us to be. However it is not without struggles. Often as a pastor there are days when I wonder why I even bother. If people would just pick up their Bibles and be obedient to the Word of God then my job would be so much easier, actually it may not even be necessary. But if you think the struggles for a pastor are great what about for a pastors wife?

The pastor's wife is expected to be at all services, work the nursery, teach Sunday school, run the Wm's, sing in the choir, play the piano, clean the toilets, be the secretary, help with counseling, etc... all the while help manage the home with two kids, and work on the side to cover expenses. Here are some frightening statistics ( ).

I am so blessed to have a wife that loves and cares for me more than anything. Suzanne loves and cares for the body of Christ just as much if not more than she does her family. And isn't that what Christ intended? But so often people are judgemental towards the pastors wife. In a recent Time article this was addressed and I share it with you today.

For all of you PWs who actually take the time to read my blog, thank you. But really, THANK YOU, for your faithfulness to the call of God upon your husband and yourself. Thank you for putting up with us when we have had stressful days at the office. Thank you for understanding that we have to run to the hospital at 3:00 AM because Sister Ethel went in with an infected toe nail. You truly are the unsung hero's in a Pastors life. Thank You!

Thanks Suzanne! I love you!