Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Shoveling Out

Well, we woke up this morning to the most beautiful day we have had since we moved to the mid-west 2 years ago. We finally got some snow! Yippy! (Alton-snow) Mind you it was only three inches, but it covered and stuck to everything. The trees were absolutely beautiful. For all of my PA friends, you'll get a kick out of this, they actually canceled school today for 3 inches. I know, it makes no sense to me either. But that's ok, my kids had the privilege of enjoying their first school snow day since we left PA. (to bad there are NO HILLS around here to sled on). I did think about hooking up a rope to the back of the mini-van and pulling them along behind, but the wisdom of my wife prevailed. I just hope that I don't have to wait another two years for more snow.

Last Sunday was awesome! We had 13 teens and adults follow the Lord in baptism. We are seeing some wonderful things taking place at church. God is so faithful to those who follow him. We have seen such an increase in our youth ministry (thanks Pastor Eric and Liz and all you youth leaders) that we are having to seriously look at moving forward with building a new youth center. Just 2 years ago we were averaging 12 teens, now we are averaging over 70 teens a week. They broke the 100 mark twice last September. Our children's ministries are undergoing a bit of a make over as well. Pioneer Clubs on Wednesday nights is growing and we have had to split up one of the classes. Our Children's Church ministry is also growing. Exciting things are happening at East Alton First Assembly www.eaassembly.org.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Going to Bolivia

Just cleared the way to take a missions trip to Bolivia, May 8-18. I will be going with Convoy of Hope International with coordinator Jack Belin (Belin). We are going on a Mission of Mercy trip, where we will be going into remote vilages and poor towns to distribute much needed food and supplies. We will be working with missionaries Steve and Lori Potutschnig in the distribution of the food (Potutsching)The trip itself costs $1500. But it is the goal of every one going to pay for at least $2000.00 in food to be distributed. With such short notice, my faith has just increased greatly, knowing that I will need to raise the $2000 in just 6 short weeks. However, I know that my God is able!

If any one is interested in helping to meet the need of those in Bolivia who have basically nothing, please feel free to contact me via email at schaffer@apci.net. and I will let you know how to help with this trip. It has been Ten years since my last missions trip to Jamaica, so I am really looking forward to this. Please also pray that I can get my passport ASAP!