Saturday, December 24, 2005

Fantasy Football

Well it's the final weekend of our churches fantasy football league. Once again I have advanced to the Super Bowl and am attempting to defend my title, a feat I wonder whether its worth it. Growing up I was one of the most competitive people you could meet. To this day if you challenge me at anything I will give it 110% plus some, just to prove to myself that I can do it, and if a competition, that I can beat you. However, being a pastor, I wonder if at times this can cause a bit of a rift among others who don't view it as competive but as craziness.

I know that we are not to back down, lay down, or throw in the towel, but sometimes I wonder if it would be better to just not get involved. That way there are no hurt feelings when the pastor beats a church member at Fantasy Football, or when the pastor aggressively goes into home plate to win the softball game and inocently takes out the other catcher who was just in the wrong place. Over the past couple of years I have had several "light bulb" moments that have told me, next year when it comes around, just be a spectator. But then I think I can't do that because I am even a worse fan. I yell at the refs, umps, time keepers (penn state vs. michagan, 1 second-just 1 mesly second), and anyone I think has wronged my team, and those are all on TV at my house.

So what is a pastor to do? Get rid of the TV, radio and internet, lock himself in the office and wait to hear how the church softball team did on Sunday morning? I try to live my life with no regrets. I don't want to look back tomorrow, ten, thirty years and say, "I wish I would have...." or "Why on earth did I do or say that?" So for now I think I will stick to just playing Scrabble with my loving wife (she usaully wins because I am a poor speller), and Cranium with my family.

God Bless - and Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

Paul said...

I, too, am a pastor, and a bit competitive.

I can relate to what you are saying, Pastor Wayne. We are how God has built us, and we lead people showing warts and all.

As a bit of a competitive person, I can't stand competing with someone who doesn't try their best. That way, if I beat them, I know that I really accomplished something, but if they don't try their best, I have no way of knowing if I did anything significant, because they threw in the towel from the beginning.

I think as long as everyone knows up front what the rules are and that we intend to give it our best, then it's helpful, although, I think I still wouldn't take out a catcher coming into home plate unless they played for the Baptist Church.:)

Wayne and Suzanne, you guys are great and we miss you in Pennsyltucky.:


Pastor Paul in PA