Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

What a treat it was to go to the Pirate's vs Cardinals game at the New Bush Stadium on Monday Night. To bad the Pirates had to disappoint me once again. I think the Pirates need to adopt the Veggie Tales song "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" as their new theme song. Especially since this is the worst start in Pirate History.
I am so thankful that at least the vendors at the stadium where wearing yellow. It made it look like there was actually 50 Pirate fans instead of the 6 that I know of. Every one was bragging about their new beautiful stadium with a view of the Gateway Arch. Whoopdy Doo, boring. There is nothing like the skyline view at PNC Park.
There are some great benefits to being married to an Italian. Home made ravioli! being just one of them. Suzanne spent all day making ravioli. And I just spent 20 minutes devouring a dozen. Yum Yum! I thought she made great cakes but the ravioli has to be my favorite.
Well, we have our first church league softball game tonight at 9:30. Hopefully tomorrow we will not have our first visit to the the E.R. It's amazing how out of shape you can get over the winter. Really, I just don't want to admit that I'm getting old.
Just 10 more days till I fly to Bolivia. I'm really excited about the ministry opportunity that we will have while we are there. Just keep Suzanne and the kids in prayer while I'm gone. I have never been away for more than 3 days before.

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