Saturday, April 22, 2006

Where Have I Been

Well I know it has been awhile since my last blog. This whole blog thing is just hard to keep up on with so many other things going on in my life. But I will do a little update now for those of you that actually take the time every day to see if I have left anything.
Just 2 more weeks until I'm off for Bolivia. Praise the Lord all of my funds have been raised. The church took an offering and what came in has covered the cost of my trip. I am really looking forward to it. Please be in prayer for one of the pastors going with us, he is actually undergoing tests this week for an unknown sickness he has had the past 3 weeks. Pray that God would heal his body so that he will be able to go with us.
Thanks to some wonderful friends (Debby and Dave) from our old church in PA, I am now the proud wearer of 3 Steelers shirts. I where them with pride out here in St Louis Rams territory.
Suzanne and I on occasion have the opportunity to do some mystery shopping. We recently each had to complete 11 mystery shops of a local credit union. In doing so we often have to give a made up name when we are talking with account service reps.. Today was one of those occasions. Suzanne was in front of me waiting to meet with a rep and when they asked for her name I heard her say Schaffer, which meant that I couldn't be Mr. Schaffer for this shop. So I quickly thought, "well I guess I'll just be Mr. Johnson." So when they asked for my last name I told them Johnson. As I was sitting in the waiting area I started to think, "O boy what am I going to tell the rep when she asks what my first name is? I know, I'll just use my middle name." About 10 seconds went by and, "O no, I can't use my middle name, it's Howard." I couldn't go back there as Mr. Howard Johnson. . . . So . . . I was Tim Johnson for about 5 minutes.
I see that my Pirates are off to another great start this year. All I ask is that they win for me this Monday as me and my son will probably be the only 2 of 40,000 in black and gold in the new Bush stadium. Go Bucs! One thing I love about the Cardinals organization is that as a pastor I can apply for a season pass for two that is free. The only games I am not able to attend are games that are sold out. Which this year is more than half of their games. But I don't have to worry about any of the Pirate games being sold out. Yippy!
Well, enough for this blog. I will try to keep up a little better. At least once a week, I hope. It's the least I can do for all of you die hard blogger fans.

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