Tuesday, December 26, 2006


As each day goes by, I look at myself in the mirror and say, "Man I am really out of shape. I need to start exercising." This seems to be my mantra about every 3 years. Most likely I will start to exercise again and loose about 20 lbs. But in 3 years I can already see myself saying the same thing again. So maybe I just need to say, "O well, Wayne, your getting older and being physically fit isn't as important as it was when I was in H.S. and College." But then again all the Dr.s say it is more important as you get older to be active and in good shape. It helps you maintain good health and avoid the hospital and the medicine. I have noticed and people have commented that I look much better and seem to be more energetic when I am at a lower weight.

I'm not one for making New Years resolutions, but I do like to set goals for myself. So what are some of the goals you have set for 2007?

Friday, December 22, 2006

Tis the Season

What are your plans for Christmas. We are planning on staying out here in the snowless Mid West. Christmas Eve we will celebrate with our church family in the morning. Christmas day we will enoy the morning with just our family, go to our friends in the afternoon and party.

So is Christmas just another excuse to spend money we don't have and get together with people and stuff our faces, or is there more to it. My hope for all who read this is that you will grow closer in your relationship with the Lord. Tis the season to rejoice in His birth. Christ came to allow for us to have a relationship with God. That relationship is what keeps me going from day to day. Tis the Season all year round.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Spare Time

What do we do with our spare time? (Reuters - Americans use TV ...) For me I know I don't mind the time I veg in front of the TV. But how much is too much. What are we neglecting or feeding when we are spending hours in front of the tube. When is the last time you spent 30 minutes in prayer instead of watching Seinfeld. Or when was the last time you read your Bible for an hour instead of surfing the web for something interesting like my blog? Even better when is the last time you took a couple of hours and went out into your community (maybe just to your neighbors) and talked to them about the love of Christ?

We seem to be able to come up with all kinds of excuses for why we can't do certain things, but what do you think the Lord's response to us is? Can you even imagine a world where just the Christians used their spare time to grow in their relationship with God or to help disciple a new believer or even to go out and be bold in spreading the good news?

Come On Ring Those Bells

Paul Grabill - It seems to me that it is often the older congregations that often teach that faith is a very private affair that are the ones most likely to have church bells that ring throughout American communities.We evangelicals normally keep our loud music within the four walls.:)I've always wondered why there aren't more complaints than there are about unsolicited music from ancient boom boxes (bell towers).

Here's a New York Times article about them bells, Christmas and otherwise.
What do you think?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Where Have They All Gone

A couple of weeks ago I preached a message on Leaving a Lasting Legacy. In that message I made the observation that in our church and in the majority of main-line denominational churches there is a huge age gap. The 25 to 55 year olds seem to be missing in action. I gave a couple of personal and statistical reasons for this, such as:
1. I was forced to attend church (a church I didn't like), where they crammed a bunch of thou shalt nots down my throat.
2. I can't just be myself at church, I feel everyone is judging me.
3. Church, what's that? I've never been.
4. The messages aren't relevant to my life. How many times do I really have to be told that I'm a sinner and if I don't "repent" and become "born again" I'm going to burn in hell forever. I got that message the first time when I was 5 and had nightmares for weeks. Trust me, I was scared into heaven. Tell me what the bible says about keeping my marriage together, how to raise my kids, what is good financial planning, how do I deal with my inlaws, how do I balance a busy schedule, etc...
5. The church I attended seemed to draw all the grumpy people, no one ever smiled.
6. I feel I have a stronger walk with God on my own, than having to be quilted into my salvation and service for Him.
7. I was really hurt by some people at my church growing up.
8. There a bunch of hypocrites. Act like angels on Sunday and devils the rest of the week.
9. I'm not sure what to do when I go to church. When I go to a movie I know to go in sit down (with popcorn and soda) and watch the movie. At a sporting event I know to go and root for my favorite team (at church its like they are all on the loosing team, where is the excitement?). At the grocery store, I know to go in, get my items, pay and leave. I mean even at the Dr. I know to sign in at the desk, have a seat, pick up a magazine and it'll be at least 30 to 40 min. Before the Dr. gets to me. But what am I supposed to do at church? Do I sit on the right or the left, or maybe there is assigned seating (there is a Bible that's been left in that spot every week and a the same person seems to claim it every week but never takes it home)? Do I sit, stand, clap, raise my hands, sing loud, sing soft, bring my Bible, read off the screen, smile, look grumpy, compliment the musicians (or is it worship team, I'm so confused)? Should I complain when they sing a song I don't know or one that is too loud or to fast or God forbid to country for my taste. Should a shout amen when I agree with the pastor's message or keep it to myself because it was a personal moment. Do I go up for prayer when I need it, or will everyone else be making assumptions (He's sick, his wife is leaving him, he manages his money poorly, he has an addiction to something) of what I am requesting prayer for? Do I shake hands, hug a neck, or give a holy kiss? Should I come back on Sunday night and Wednesday night? What are these small groups I keep hearing about, but am never invited to?

On and on it goes. So why do you think people ages 25-55 are no longer interested in attending church? If your in that age group I would love to hear your response. And what needs to be done to attract them to church, with out compromising the Word of God.

Who said we had to wear a suit and tie to church. What about those ladies who cut off the circulation to their brain because their hair is pulled up so tight in a bun. Do we make the rules or do we live by the Word of God.?