Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Where Have They All Gone

A couple of weeks ago I preached a message on Leaving a Lasting Legacy. In that message I made the observation that in our church and in the majority of main-line denominational churches there is a huge age gap. The 25 to 55 year olds seem to be missing in action. I gave a couple of personal and statistical reasons for this, such as:
1. I was forced to attend church (a church I didn't like), where they crammed a bunch of thou shalt nots down my throat.
2. I can't just be myself at church, I feel everyone is judging me.
3. Church, what's that? I've never been.
4. The messages aren't relevant to my life. How many times do I really have to be told that I'm a sinner and if I don't "repent" and become "born again" I'm going to burn in hell forever. I got that message the first time when I was 5 and had nightmares for weeks. Trust me, I was scared into heaven. Tell me what the bible says about keeping my marriage together, how to raise my kids, what is good financial planning, how do I deal with my inlaws, how do I balance a busy schedule, etc...
5. The church I attended seemed to draw all the grumpy people, no one ever smiled.
6. I feel I have a stronger walk with God on my own, than having to be quilted into my salvation and service for Him.
7. I was really hurt by some people at my church growing up.
8. There a bunch of hypocrites. Act like angels on Sunday and devils the rest of the week.
9. I'm not sure what to do when I go to church. When I go to a movie I know to go in sit down (with popcorn and soda) and watch the movie. At a sporting event I know to go and root for my favorite team (at church its like they are all on the loosing team, where is the excitement?). At the grocery store, I know to go in, get my items, pay and leave. I mean even at the Dr. I know to sign in at the desk, have a seat, pick up a magazine and it'll be at least 30 to 40 min. Before the Dr. gets to me. But what am I supposed to do at church? Do I sit on the right or the left, or maybe there is assigned seating (there is a Bible that's been left in that spot every week and a the same person seems to claim it every week but never takes it home)? Do I sit, stand, clap, raise my hands, sing loud, sing soft, bring my Bible, read off the screen, smile, look grumpy, compliment the musicians (or is it worship team, I'm so confused)? Should I complain when they sing a song I don't know or one that is too loud or to fast or God forbid to country for my taste. Should a shout amen when I agree with the pastor's message or keep it to myself because it was a personal moment. Do I go up for prayer when I need it, or will everyone else be making assumptions (He's sick, his wife is leaving him, he manages his money poorly, he has an addiction to something) of what I am requesting prayer for? Do I shake hands, hug a neck, or give a holy kiss? Should I come back on Sunday night and Wednesday night? What are these small groups I keep hearing about, but am never invited to?

On and on it goes. So why do you think people ages 25-55 are no longer interested in attending church? If your in that age group I would love to hear your response. And what needs to be done to attract them to church, with out compromising the Word of God.

Who said we had to wear a suit and tie to church. What about those ladies who cut off the circulation to their brain because their hair is pulled up so tight in a bun. Do we make the rules or do we live by the Word of God.?

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