Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Debt Free Christmas

This Sunday I challenged the congregation to have a debt free Christmas. To not only put away the plastic but to cut it up. We have become so enamored with living the overindulged American life, that we have actually put ourselves, our children and our churches on the endangered species list. By endangered I mean that we have become a slave to the companies that tell us to buy now, pay later.

Along with living credit card free for two months, I challenged them to cut back on gifts for each other, gifts that really aren't necessary and are soon (next day in many cases) forgotten, and to invest in missions. Take the $3.00 away from Starbucks or $1.00 from McyDs and invest it in the building of spiritual lives for the kingdom of heaven. For most of us, in just two months, we could invest $120.00 in reaching the lost if we just cut out that coffee or pop from the convenience store.

If your trying to live debt free, here is a great sight for you. www.daveramsey.com

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