Friday, October 06, 2006

God's Work vs. My Play

When it comes to the work of the kingdom are we a bunch of cheapskates? Do we often settle for the quick, easy and cheap solutions or do we put forth the highest quality in time, talent and technology and finances? Recently a pastor friend was discouraged because he had "pumped up", (shared the heart of God to win the lost) a special offering for a community outreach. When the offering was taken a measly $223 dollars came in, less than $2.00 per individual in church that day. The next day he had the opportunity to visit a parishoner. Upon arrival at his home he noticed a brand new car in the driveway. Inside was a new wide screen plasma tv, and what appeared to be new furniture. Now here is the kicker. When the pastor was leaving the person said, "Oh, pastor I wanted to give to the outreach but didn't have my check book yesterday, could you please put this with the special offering." The pastor was encouraged that here was some one who had caught the vision to win the lost as he had, that is until he was in the car and looked at the check. $10.00.

All that to say, why do we sow into the worlds economy rather than the Lords economy? Is it all about us? or All about Him? Why will we spen $30-$90 a ticket to just get in to a Cardinals game. Then spend another $40 on food (0ver $200 for a family of 4), because hay they're a playoff team. But we wont invest $200 into winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. Well tip the waitress 15-20% but we struggle with giving God 10%. We'll be sure to get our morning coffee ($ .70 at McyDs, $3.00 at starbuck) but we fail to help the homeless person we've passed every day for the past month.

What's your thoughts. Leave a reply.

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