Monday, November 05, 2007

Thank You Dierberg's

I love my PA Dutch sodas. Especially birch beer (no it's not alcoholic). But living out in the mid west some things are just hard to come by unless they are shipped to me by my parents or in-laws. I never thought I would says this about a grocery store, but Dierberg's, YOU ROCK!!! That's right Dierberg's in Edwardsville, listened to the request of this lowly little customer from PA and within a month stocked the shelf with Boylan's Creamy Red Birch Beer. Believe me when I tell you, it almost brought tears to my eyes. So what if what I paid for a 4 pack here in the mid-west could have bought me a 24 pack back in PA. Every sip has been a treasure. The only downside to this is that now I am going to have to budget and extra $20 a month into the grocery budget. Oh well... 

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Does God care what I wear?” It may not be a question most fashion-savvy teenage girls consider when they get dressed in the morning, but it should be, says Sarah Bragg, author of Body. Beauty. Boys.

According to Sarah Bragg, answering this question is the first step in realizing that God does care about the way teen girls and women dress and learning how they can please him in their appearance.

“Fashion is good, It’s not wrong to be in fashion, but it’s wrong to dress in a way that gives a false impression of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

1 Corinthians 3:16, which says one’s body is the “temple” or dwelling place of the Holy Spirit and Romans 12:1-2, which urges Christians “to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.”

According to Matthew 5:27-29, girls should realize they can become a “stumbling block” to men of all ages when they dress immodestly. “You have a lot of power in the way you dress,” Bragg warned. “You have the power to make someone stumble—think about that when you get dressed in the morning. Think about the way you dress. Is there even a hint of immorality?

Girls and young ladies and even some of you older ones need to think about the motivation behind your fashion choices. So many of you are wanting to dress to please guys, not God. “God ultimately wants us to attract one man [for marriage], but dressing immodestly causes arousal in many men and that is against God’s will,” Bragg said.

After understanding what the Bible teaches about modesty, women must then practice modesty. “To be good at something, you have to practice. The same is true when it comes to modesty…. You make a statement by what you wear and people will define you by what you wear. Whether that’s right or wrong, that’s reality,” Bragg said.

God’s definition of beauty is found in such passages as Proverbs 31:30, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised,” and Peter 3:4, “Instead it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”

Ultimately, when it comes to fashion, a girl’s chief ambition should be to please God. “Today we need to rededicate our lives to be holy, pleasing, and blameless before [God],” Bragg said.

Adapted from article by Amy W. Richardson

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Vacation is Over

Well it has come and gone. Months of looking forward to vacation gone in just one week.
We had a great time! Just spending time relaxing, reading, swimming, and doing nothing.
Somehow we ended up coming home with a dog. Zoey (as she has been named) showed up on the porch of our cottage house on Wednesday and never went away. Of course the kids couldn't let us leave her, and no one claimed her, so she has now moved from the beatufil country of the Ozarks to the black top home of East Alton.
For all of you pastors who may occassioanly read my blog let me recomend to you a book I read while their.
"10 Things Every Minister Needs To Know" by Ronnie Floyd. This was one of the first insightful books on pastoring that I have read in...well ever.
We came home to a nice warm house. The A/C went while we were away. Prayerfully the new one will be installed before the weekend when temps are supposed to climb over 90 again.

Sermon of the week. "What About the War In Iraq" by Jeff Leak
No matter what you think about it this will get you to think a little more and to certainly pray.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Why Men Hate Going To Church

I have recently finished reading Why Men Hate Going to Church by David Murrow. Talk about an eye opening book. Well it actually contained alot of what I thought already, it just reenforced those thoughts. Here is a recent article I came across that sums it up pretty well. I would encourage every woman who attends church and every pastor to read this book.

By Pat Morley, Man in the Mirror

In Why Men Hate Going to Church, David Murrow points out that every church has a “thermostat.” Unfortunately, many churches’ thermostats are set to “Comfort.” Men, says Murrow, need a thermostat set to “Challenge.” Here are some ways men learn about the environment of your church:

They look at the leaders.
Men follow strong leaders. They like to know that their leader is certain of where they are going. If a man doesn’t believe in the leader, he can’t follow the vision. This is particularly important to men who are either young or new to your church. When you hold up a man as a standard, does he look boring, tired, and half-dead? Or does he look vibrant, excited, and wellspoken (regardless of age)? Men should be able to look at the visible leaders in the church and say, “I want to be like that.”

They listen to the music.
While contemporary music may connect stylistically with people, some
of those praise choruses aren’t exactly “man-friendly.” Men resonate with songs that talk about challenge, adventure, and the battle of following Christ and seeing His kingdom become a reality. They tend to connect less with songs that ask another man—Jesus—to “hold me in your arms.”

They read the bulletin.
Be sure the bulletin makes concrete statements about what God is doing through men in your church. “Bible Study, Wednesday night, Room 202, 7:30 p.m.” is not appealing to most men. But “Disruptive Jesus: A Bible Study for Men. Come learn how Jesus challenged the norm, and how He can change your life and our community”— that’s a Bible Study that has a chance at catching men’s attention.

They listen to the pastor.
Pete Alwinson, pastor in Winter Springs, Florida, makes a point of speaking directly to men in just about every sermon. Often he will say, “Men, this is what this means for us...” That sends a clear message that men matter.

They look at the décor.
We’ve noticed an interesting trend in church design: the ladies’ bath- room is amazing. Unfortunately, in many cases the ladies’ room spills out into the rest of the church and this sends a message to men: “We’ve designed this space to make women as comfortable as possible.” Make the physical environment of your church manfriendly. This is as simple as leather couches, striped wall paper, earth tones—even some black and white nature photos on the wall.

Men are extremely sensitive to quality.
This applies to the flyers you hand out, the events you hold, the materials you use in small gr oups and Sunday school, and even the Web site for the church. While you can’t expect to compete with Madison Avenue, men can tell when there is a sincere effort to offer quality.

They listen for humor.
When men see that everything doesn’t have to be “prim and proper” (translation: boring) they get a sense that your church is a place where they can fit in.

They listen for the vision.
Men want to believe that God is doing something through your church. They want to be part of a church that is going somewhere. They want to know that being a man in your church matters.

Adapted from No Man Left Behind by Pat Morley, David Delk, and Brett Clemmer (Moody, 2006)

Friday, May 11, 2007

Get Rid of the Kids?

I can't believe what I just read. Please read for yourself.

According to radical environmentalists, the biggest threat to the earth isn't CO2 emissions or climate change — it's children. A new paper by Optimum Population Trust (OPT) contends that kids are "bad for the planet" and if couples had one less child, they could "cut their family's carbon dioxide output by the equivalent of 620 [cross-Atlantic flights]." Rather than follow their own dreams of having a family, John Guillebaud, co-chairman of OPT, said that potential parents should first consider the environmental consequences.

Another eco-militant, Paul Watson, founder of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, is calling for a green genocide. In a May 4 editorial, Watson says mankind "is acting like a virus" and appeals for the world to decrease its population by more than five billion. In the past, Watson has come under fire for claiming that humans are "the AIDS of the earth." Rhetoric like this, fueled by profound pessimism about human possibility, is driving demographic collapse in much of the West, where sub-replacement level fertility is on a collision course with pension liabilities, especially in Europe. Even Al Gore, who this weekend spoke to the American Institute of Architects, resorted to calling the alleged bio-threat a "spiritual crisis." In this, he is half-right, as the key to this eco-pessimism is despair.

The "green" campaign, elevated to a fever pitch by Gore and others who advocate a stronger hand for government, is paving the way for the dire messages of organizations like OPT and Sea Shepherd. I have to ask, if we take their advice and quit having children, just who exactly would we be saving the earth for?

(Tony Perkins is the president of the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C.)

In a world of selfishness, I think this one might take the cake. The lord said, "Be fruitful and multiply." Inhabit the earth. Not, "Think only of yourself. If you have a child your life will end sooner because they are poluting the atmosphere." Lord Help Us!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Planet of the Apes

It's not bad enough that we are trying to legalize Same sex marriage, now we have to declare monkeys as humans?

"Our main argument is that Hiasl is a person and has basic legal rights," said Eberhart Theuer, a lawyer leading the challenge on behalf of the Association Against Animal Factories, a Vienna animal rights group.

"We mean the right to life, the right to not be tortured, the right to freedom under certain conditions," Theuer said.

The right to life for a monkey but not a human baby. The right to not be tortured for an ape, but not for our seniors in nursing homes. (Another blog for another time) The right to freedom for a chimp but not for a Christian.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Creation Museum Opens May 28th

This looks like a great family outing. Just 6 hours from St. Louis. Or for all my Pittsburgh friends, just 5 hours.

The Creation Museum ( will explain that the Bible - the revealed Word of God - can be trusted to tell us the truth in every area it touches on: geology, biology, astronomy, and so much more. This first class facility, with more than 160 exhibts and 50 videos will feature a "walk through history" based on the Bible's teaching about the past, and it will describe how real science confirms the Bible's amazing account of history.

This looks to be a wonderful, educational and entertaining trip for the family. I look forward to taking my family for a day trip.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

PWs no not Pastor Wayne but Pastor's Wives

It is often said that it is the woman behind the man that makes the man. Well I know that as a couple Suzanne and I compliment each others gifts and continue to become all that God wants us to be. However it is not without struggles. Often as a pastor there are days when I wonder why I even bother. If people would just pick up their Bibles and be obedient to the Word of God then my job would be so much easier, actually it may not even be necessary. But if you think the struggles for a pastor are great what about for a pastors wife?

The pastor's wife is expected to be at all services, work the nursery, teach Sunday school, run the Wm's, sing in the choir, play the piano, clean the toilets, be the secretary, help with counseling, etc... all the while help manage the home with two kids, and work on the side to cover expenses. Here are some frightening statistics ( ).

I am so blessed to have a wife that loves and cares for me more than anything. Suzanne loves and cares for the body of Christ just as much if not more than she does her family. And isn't that what Christ intended? But so often people are judgemental towards the pastors wife. In a recent Time article this was addressed and I share it with you today.

For all of you PWs who actually take the time to read my blog, thank you. But really, THANK YOU, for your faithfulness to the call of God upon your husband and yourself. Thank you for putting up with us when we have had stressful days at the office. Thank you for understanding that we have to run to the hospital at 3:00 AM because Sister Ethel went in with an infected toe nail. You truly are the unsung hero's in a Pastors life. Thank You!

Thanks Suzanne! I love you!

Thursday, March 22, 2007


As I sit here watching the NCAA B-Ball tournament I am drawn to the thought of team unity. There were 3 very close games tonight all decided by less than 3 points. Unfortunately for me the only game that was not close was my Pitt Panthers going down to UCLA (If you know me, you know I can't stand any college team from California or Florida, that's another blog all together). The unity in which these teams have to play is something the church needs to learn. As individual churches and in a greater scale the whole body of Christ working in unity.

So what does it take? How do we become a unified body. I remember singing "Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before." When singing that song as a child I never pictured it to mean one First Church vs. Second Church. Or brother vs. brother. Yet in recent years it seems that this has become a sad fact. Church vs. church, one saying, "Our church is better than your church," the other saying, "Look at us, we have more programs and can meet all your needs." Why are there so many churches vying to draw people away from other churches? I thought the Great Commission was to, "Go into all the world and compel them to come in." I didn't know it was go to the church down the street and steal some sheep.

I recently had a friend tell me about a recent sermon series by her pastor which was all about why not to be Pentecostal, and how it wasn't something that Christians should get involved in. I cringe when I here about these kind of messages being preached from any Christian pulpit. How does this bring the body of Christ together in unity? Sure our fundamental truths and specific doctrines may not line up 100%, but then aren't we to be about the Fathers business. I long for the day when the church is denominationaly color blind. A day when we are working together to proclaim to a lost world that, Jesus is ..."THE WAY, THE TRUTH, THE LIFE"...

What do you think. I'll have more on this latter.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Continuous Worship

"I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips" (Ps. 34:1).
"One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple" (Ps. 27:4).

Is it little wonder why God called David a man after His own heart? Why have we in the American church failed to make this a priority. Tommy Tenney writes, "David did two things to make sure God's presence remained in Jerusalem. First, he preparted a place for God's presence by constructing a tabernacle without walls or a veil. Second, he did something special once the Levites arrived at the tabernacle and set the Ark of the Covenant in place. He created a "living" mercy seat of worship in the tabernacle so God would be pleased to sit and remain in the humble sanctuary."

Does continuous worship, as in David's day, create an open heaven? I believe that it does. We must be men and women of intercessory prayer and praise 24/7. Revelation 12:10 tells us that our enemy accuses God's people "day and night." There is never a moment that Satan is not seeking to hinder God's people and His work. Since the enemies warfare is continuous, we ought to counteract his attaks continuously 24/7. I love what IHOP ( in Kansas City is doing. They have established a 24/7 prayer and praise room.

Take a moment to Read Isa.62:1-2,6-7 ( Christ has come for all! This declares that, "The nations will see your righteousness..." We must be in continuous prayer and praise if we expect to see the Kingdom of heaven extended beyond what it is now. The great commission must be fulfilled! The church must have a hunger for God and a passion to win souls. This I believe will only happen when we get back to what we were created for - WORSHIP!

"The flame of white-hot worship from every tribe tongue, people and nation will, indeed, send an unending flow of prayer-filled incense to the throne of God. And that will be just the beginning!" Dick Eastman - Pathways of Delight.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


For anyone to say that there is not an attack on Christianity all they need to do is to look at this challenge to America ( Let me caution you of some of the videos that have been created. They not only are a great disapointment to see young teenagers deny the existense of God, but there are some words both spoken and visible that are offensive.

The organizers of the challenge promised a free copy of The God Who Wasn't There DVD to the first 1,001 who accepted the challenge. The DVD normally sells for $24.98.

As of today, there are 950 video responses to the challenge posted on YouTube.

In their news release about the challenge, the organizers said, "While anyone can participate in The Blasphemy Challenge, the Rational Response Squad is focused on reaching a young demographic." To reach that age group, the organizers advertised their campaign on Web sites popular with teens, including Xanga, Friendster, Tiger Beat, Teen Magazine, YM, CosmoGirl! and Seventeen.

By accepting the challenge, participants supposedly are showing others that there is nothing to fear from God, because he doesn't exist. If they are wrong, they have supposedly consigned themselves to an eternity in hell.

If you log on to youtube and view the videos be sure to watch response #945. Thank you girls for affirming your faith and belief in God!

We had a brief discussion in Bible study last night on a similar subject, eternal security, can a person forefit their salvation?, were they even saved in the first place?, If I deny Christ from here on out and confess that I no longer believe he exists and do everythin possible to make sure no one else follows him will I still get into heaven?

What are your thoughts on the subject? I'd love to hear them.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Anonymous Letters

As a pastor I have often received anonymous letters. Some have been encouraging, but most have been downright ugly and evil. So you'll understand my ammusment with the following blog posted by my dear pastor friend Rev. Paul Grabill. Enjoy.

How to Write an Anonymous Letter

Today I gave counsel by phone to a dear pastor friend who received a nasty anonymous letter. Usually, it's best not to read something that has no name at the end. But it's hard to resist knowing what people think of us, even though we know it's probably going to be ugly.

It reminds me of the story of the famous New England preacher, Henry Ward Beecher, upon ascending into the ornate pulpit found a note with one word, "FOOL." He held it up to the congregation and said, "This is odd. I've known of people who have written a letter and forgot to sign their name, but this is the first time I've known of someone to sign their name and forget to write the letter."

Anyhow, here is my proposal for an honest Christian anonymous letter:

Dear Pastor:

As you can tell by the end of the letter, I have chosen not to sign my name. The reason is obvious: I am a coward. Why can't I just admit that I'm a coward and deal with it? Well, you guessed it, I'm too cowardly to admit that I'm a coward.

Anyhow, I digress. The purpose of this letter is to share with you the inner venom that I have been holding toward you, but can't seem to be able to honestly share with you. I know the Bible says to speak the truth in love, but you're going to have to pray for me about that love thing. It's not there, especially for you.

I realize hit-and-run is illegal when you are using a car, but last I checked it's not when you use a pen. If I'm wrong, I trust God will forgive me.

I guess that may mean that you won't take seriously anything I'm about to say. I understand that. Of course, I'm not really writing this for you. I'm writing it for me. I've got to vent my spleen, or get a spiritual hernia. You understand, I'm sure. Don't you ever do that in sermons?

Well, please know that at this point I'm so angry at you that I can't seem to frame it in a way that anyone would respect--and certainly not you. But I'm still angry, you understand, really, really angry. I mean reeeaaaally angry.

I realize, too, that you won't be able to help me because you don't know who I am. That's my choice. I don't want your help, even though the church pays you tens of thousands of dollars a year to help us. Maybe you can help other people, but not me. I don't know if it's pride or rage or what it is, but I don't want help, even from God, at this point. Some people need a pastor; I don't. If I did, I'd let you know.

So, since I'm here to deal with the speck in your eye, let me proceed with how I want to bring you down to where I am...


An Anonymous Saint

You can vist His blog at

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Thanks to my wonderful mother in-law dessert was wonderful tonight! We received a nice litt care package from PA today, which included the finest chocolate in the world, Sarris Chocolate from Cannonsburg, PA. The delicious milk chocolate just melted in my mouth. Oh what I wouldn't do to be able to go to my local Shop-n-Save and pick up a few bars and a bag of their famous chocolate covered pretzels.

Since I am on the subject of food, I guess I will continue with foods I really miss from PA that can't be found in the midwest.
A-Treat Soda products. I really miss my Birch Beer and Red Cream Soda.
Shoo Fly Pie. There is just something about going to grammys house and having a slice of homemade pie. Not to mention her wonderful chocolate mayonnase cake with peanut butter icing. And how can I forget her Funny Cake and chocolate marshmallow delight.
Last night almost did me in. While watching the Food Network they went to Pittsburgh and showed the world the beautiful Primanti's sandwich. Fresh sliced bread, with your choice of meat, piled high with fries, topped with coleslaw and tomato.
Thinking of restaurants, my wife really misses Eat-n-Park. Their grilled chicken salad (with the fries allready on) and the smiley cookie.
TastyKakes. Peanut butter candy cakes (Double filled) and butterscotch krimpets (double iced).
Probably one of the biggest things I miss is Lebanon Bologna. I think Seltzer's makes the best but for me any will do just fine.
I cant leave out the best mustard dipping sauce, Herlocher's. And of course you have to buy it in the Penn State jar.
And, oh yeah, a real slice of pizza from Pastor Erics favorite Jake's Pizza Belle Vernon, not crackers with ketchup and cheese (st. louis style).

Well those are just a few of the flavors of PA that I miss. So if any one actually reads my blog and is wondering what to get me for Valentines, Fathers Day, Birthday, or Christmas I left you links where you can order it. Or if you live in PA you can just go to Giant Eagle, Sheetz, Sarris, Eat-n-Park or any place near lancaster and buy and ship it to me. I love you all. And hope that one day some of these items make there way to St. Louis.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy 15th

Happy anniversary to my beautiful wife of 15 years! I cant begin to express the joy I have experienced growing deeper in love with Suzanne every year. Being married 15 years has lots of memories. How we met (Penn-Del Kids Kamp 1987). Our first kiss (7th hole of the Penn-Del golf course). Our first dinner (sorry I don't remember, it's a guy thing. But I'm sure Suzanne will comment). My proposal of marriage (Fountain Hills, AZ). Our wedding (Beautiful snow covered day, and just for the record I wasn't crying I had something in both eyes, I think it was the reflection of my bride). Our first apartment (Phoenix, AZ). Our first home (State College, PA "The PA Promised Land"). Our first youth group (S. C. Assembly of God, Impact Youth Ministries, we love you guys and think of you often. It is so awesome to see so many of you in full-time ministry and others of you very active in ministry in your churches). Our second youth group (Waynesburg, PA Crosstraining Youth, we love you and are proud of you).
We have made so many friends over the past 15 years it is hard to count them all. But you have all played a vital role in making us who we are.

As I write this with Suzanne asleep beside me, I can't help but think how unfulfilled my life would be with out her. She is a great wife. One that cares deeply for me and would do anything for me. She is truly a reflection of God's grace and glory. She strives to be the best Christian she can and she demonstrates that in public and at home. She makes it so easy for me to love her. I hope and pray that the next 15 are as blessed and wonderful as the first 15. With so many marriages ending in divorce, I am thankful that mine just gets stronger.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Now A Proud Mac Man

I am now the proud owner of a Mac Book. Let me just say that after 2 weeks I wonder why I didn't purchase one earlier. I am loving it. The functionality, the ease of learning, and the outstanding software are no match for windows. So if you are in the market for a new puter, I recomend going with a Mac.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
For the new year I pray that you will grow closer to the Lord. That you will have an intimate relationship with him. One that is more than just going to church on Sunday. One that moves you from the church pew (or chair, depending on your church) to lost souls in the world. I pray that 2007 will be the greatest year of harvest that the church has ever experienced. What will you do, who will you touch, how bright will your light shine for Christ.

With so much vying for our attention in todays world, we tend to loose focus on what is really important. This year let us resolve to be like Joshua and live by the resolution: "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15. To follow David with a resolution to: Pray, Praise (at all times, when we praise there is no way we can complain, gossip or even ) and Meditate on the Word (Ps. 116:1-2, Ps. 34:1, Ps. 119:15-16). To resolve to be separate from the world as Daniel did (Daniel 1:4-12). And finally to be like the prodigal son and resolve that life is better when we are in our fathers house with his blessings (Luke 15:14).