Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy 15th

Happy anniversary to my beautiful wife of 15 years! I cant begin to express the joy I have experienced growing deeper in love with Suzanne every year. Being married 15 years has lots of memories. How we met (Penn-Del Kids Kamp 1987). Our first kiss (7th hole of the Penn-Del golf course). Our first dinner (sorry I don't remember, it's a guy thing. But I'm sure Suzanne will comment). My proposal of marriage (Fountain Hills, AZ). Our wedding (Beautiful snow covered day, and just for the record I wasn't crying I had something in both eyes, I think it was the reflection of my bride). Our first apartment (Phoenix, AZ). Our first home (State College, PA "The PA Promised Land"). Our first youth group (S. C. Assembly of God, Impact Youth Ministries, we love you guys and think of you often. It is so awesome to see so many of you in full-time ministry and others of you very active in ministry in your churches). Our second youth group (Waynesburg, PA Crosstraining Youth, we love you and are proud of you).
We have made so many friends over the past 15 years it is hard to count them all. But you have all played a vital role in making us who we are.

As I write this with Suzanne asleep beside me, I can't help but think how unfulfilled my life would be with out her. She is a great wife. One that cares deeply for me and would do anything for me. She is truly a reflection of God's grace and glory. She strives to be the best Christian she can and she demonstrates that in public and at home. She makes it so easy for me to love her. I hope and pray that the next 15 are as blessed and wonderful as the first 15. With so many marriages ending in divorce, I am thankful that mine just gets stronger.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*sniff, sniff*
I love you too. These past 15 years have been the best of my's to forever!