Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
For the new year I pray that you will grow closer to the Lord. That you will have an intimate relationship with him. One that is more than just going to church on Sunday. One that moves you from the church pew (or chair, depending on your church) to lost souls in the world. I pray that 2007 will be the greatest year of harvest that the church has ever experienced. What will you do, who will you touch, how bright will your light shine for Christ.

With so much vying for our attention in todays world, we tend to loose focus on what is really important. This year let us resolve to be like Joshua and live by the resolution: "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15. To follow David with a resolution to: Pray, Praise (at all times, when we praise there is no way we can complain, gossip or even ) and Meditate on the Word (Ps. 116:1-2, Ps. 34:1, Ps. 119:15-16). To resolve to be separate from the world as Daniel did (Daniel 1:4-12). And finally to be like the prodigal son and resolve that life is better when we are in our fathers house with his blessings (Luke 15:14).

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