Saturday, January 27, 2007

Anonymous Letters

As a pastor I have often received anonymous letters. Some have been encouraging, but most have been downright ugly and evil. So you'll understand my ammusment with the following blog posted by my dear pastor friend Rev. Paul Grabill. Enjoy.

How to Write an Anonymous Letter

Today I gave counsel by phone to a dear pastor friend who received a nasty anonymous letter. Usually, it's best not to read something that has no name at the end. But it's hard to resist knowing what people think of us, even though we know it's probably going to be ugly.

It reminds me of the story of the famous New England preacher, Henry Ward Beecher, upon ascending into the ornate pulpit found a note with one word, "FOOL." He held it up to the congregation and said, "This is odd. I've known of people who have written a letter and forgot to sign their name, but this is the first time I've known of someone to sign their name and forget to write the letter."

Anyhow, here is my proposal for an honest Christian anonymous letter:

Dear Pastor:

As you can tell by the end of the letter, I have chosen not to sign my name. The reason is obvious: I am a coward. Why can't I just admit that I'm a coward and deal with it? Well, you guessed it, I'm too cowardly to admit that I'm a coward.

Anyhow, I digress. The purpose of this letter is to share with you the inner venom that I have been holding toward you, but can't seem to be able to honestly share with you. I know the Bible says to speak the truth in love, but you're going to have to pray for me about that love thing. It's not there, especially for you.

I realize hit-and-run is illegal when you are using a car, but last I checked it's not when you use a pen. If I'm wrong, I trust God will forgive me.

I guess that may mean that you won't take seriously anything I'm about to say. I understand that. Of course, I'm not really writing this for you. I'm writing it for me. I've got to vent my spleen, or get a spiritual hernia. You understand, I'm sure. Don't you ever do that in sermons?

Well, please know that at this point I'm so angry at you that I can't seem to frame it in a way that anyone would respect--and certainly not you. But I'm still angry, you understand, really, really angry. I mean reeeaaaally angry.

I realize, too, that you won't be able to help me because you don't know who I am. That's my choice. I don't want your help, even though the church pays you tens of thousands of dollars a year to help us. Maybe you can help other people, but not me. I don't know if it's pride or rage or what it is, but I don't want help, even from God, at this point. Some people need a pastor; I don't. If I did, I'd let you know.

So, since I'm here to deal with the speck in your eye, let me proceed with how I want to bring you down to where I am...


An Anonymous Saint

You can vist His blog at

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Thanks to my wonderful mother in-law dessert was wonderful tonight! We received a nice litt care package from PA today, which included the finest chocolate in the world, Sarris Chocolate from Cannonsburg, PA. The delicious milk chocolate just melted in my mouth. Oh what I wouldn't do to be able to go to my local Shop-n-Save and pick up a few bars and a bag of their famous chocolate covered pretzels.

Since I am on the subject of food, I guess I will continue with foods I really miss from PA that can't be found in the midwest.
A-Treat Soda products. I really miss my Birch Beer and Red Cream Soda.
Shoo Fly Pie. There is just something about going to grammys house and having a slice of homemade pie. Not to mention her wonderful chocolate mayonnase cake with peanut butter icing. And how can I forget her Funny Cake and chocolate marshmallow delight.
Last night almost did me in. While watching the Food Network they went to Pittsburgh and showed the world the beautiful Primanti's sandwich. Fresh sliced bread, with your choice of meat, piled high with fries, topped with coleslaw and tomato.
Thinking of restaurants, my wife really misses Eat-n-Park. Their grilled chicken salad (with the fries allready on) and the smiley cookie.
TastyKakes. Peanut butter candy cakes (Double filled) and butterscotch krimpets (double iced).
Probably one of the biggest things I miss is Lebanon Bologna. I think Seltzer's makes the best but for me any will do just fine.
I cant leave out the best mustard dipping sauce, Herlocher's. And of course you have to buy it in the Penn State jar.
And, oh yeah, a real slice of pizza from Pastor Erics favorite Jake's Pizza Belle Vernon, not crackers with ketchup and cheese (st. louis style).

Well those are just a few of the flavors of PA that I miss. So if any one actually reads my blog and is wondering what to get me for Valentines, Fathers Day, Birthday, or Christmas I left you links where you can order it. Or if you live in PA you can just go to Giant Eagle, Sheetz, Sarris, Eat-n-Park or any place near lancaster and buy and ship it to me. I love you all. And hope that one day some of these items make there way to St. Louis.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Happy 15th

Happy anniversary to my beautiful wife of 15 years! I cant begin to express the joy I have experienced growing deeper in love with Suzanne every year. Being married 15 years has lots of memories. How we met (Penn-Del Kids Kamp 1987). Our first kiss (7th hole of the Penn-Del golf course). Our first dinner (sorry I don't remember, it's a guy thing. But I'm sure Suzanne will comment). My proposal of marriage (Fountain Hills, AZ). Our wedding (Beautiful snow covered day, and just for the record I wasn't crying I had something in both eyes, I think it was the reflection of my bride). Our first apartment (Phoenix, AZ). Our first home (State College, PA "The PA Promised Land"). Our first youth group (S. C. Assembly of God, Impact Youth Ministries, we love you guys and think of you often. It is so awesome to see so many of you in full-time ministry and others of you very active in ministry in your churches). Our second youth group (Waynesburg, PA Crosstraining Youth, we love you and are proud of you).
We have made so many friends over the past 15 years it is hard to count them all. But you have all played a vital role in making us who we are.

As I write this with Suzanne asleep beside me, I can't help but think how unfulfilled my life would be with out her. She is a great wife. One that cares deeply for me and would do anything for me. She is truly a reflection of God's grace and glory. She strives to be the best Christian she can and she demonstrates that in public and at home. She makes it so easy for me to love her. I hope and pray that the next 15 are as blessed and wonderful as the first 15. With so many marriages ending in divorce, I am thankful that mine just gets stronger.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Now A Proud Mac Man

I am now the proud owner of a Mac Book. Let me just say that after 2 weeks I wonder why I didn't purchase one earlier. I am loving it. The functionality, the ease of learning, and the outstanding software are no match for windows. So if you are in the market for a new puter, I recomend going with a Mac.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!
For the new year I pray that you will grow closer to the Lord. That you will have an intimate relationship with him. One that is more than just going to church on Sunday. One that moves you from the church pew (or chair, depending on your church) to lost souls in the world. I pray that 2007 will be the greatest year of harvest that the church has ever experienced. What will you do, who will you touch, how bright will your light shine for Christ.

With so much vying for our attention in todays world, we tend to loose focus on what is really important. This year let us resolve to be like Joshua and live by the resolution: "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15. To follow David with a resolution to: Pray, Praise (at all times, when we praise there is no way we can complain, gossip or even ) and Meditate on the Word (Ps. 116:1-2, Ps. 34:1, Ps. 119:15-16). To resolve to be separate from the world as Daniel did (Daniel 1:4-12). And finally to be like the prodigal son and resolve that life is better when we are in our fathers house with his blessings (Luke 15:14).