Monday, October 16, 2006

Joe Corbi's Pizza

The long awaited day for the Schaffer family has arrived. Our Joe Corbi pizza kits have arrived. We have gone 3 years without a good pizza. The pizza in St. Louis is, well, I'll be kind, not to my liking. If you or your organization are looking for a good fund raiser this is the best around. It took a lot of convincing but we finally talked them into venturing out to the Mid-West. It was the best fundraiser our youth group has ever done. FYI if you want to know what their product is like before using them, just ask and they will send you some sample kits. MMMMMM. Just had my first bite. And it hasn't changed since the last one I had 31/2 years ago.


Anonymous said...

Mmmm! You are so right, that white pizza was DIVINE! Yum-o!

Community Gospel Church said...

Great Blog, Pastor Wayne!! I've never had Joe Corbi Pizza...I'll have to make that a priority!! I could really go for some Osso's right now!!