Friday, November 17, 2006

My Space

What do you think about the My Space Craze? My son and wife both have one. Most of the youth of our church have one. They use it to witness to their friends (a lot of them anyway). What dangers do you see in it if you dont have a private page? For me blogging is a hard enough chore. So I don't know if I'll ever get a space. Then again you never know.

One of my favorite myspace friends to visit is Pastor Rich is one of the most creative (crazy) guys I know. While there be sure to visit Doug Sayers space.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello well.i would just like to say i agree with you in some ways, on this, and not necessaeily others.i personally use myspace to talk to my friends, and those are only people i can be a good witnessing tool, if you want it to be.see i for example used to have an OLD myspace, and ya know i never really witnessed on it, i would post things totally unchristan, and it would make me in result act unchristian, it led to parties in the summer, and words i would have much rather left unsaid.i deleted that page, and i now have another one wich most def. IS a witnessing tool.i post blogs in it, about things God has accomplished in my life, etc. when ever i hear a good sermon, at church and it gets me to thinking, i usually post it on there.i think i scare people a little bit too that dont believe, and come to my pag4e haha.check it out for yourself if ya want!plus hey mabye if you get a myspace page for yourself, it won't be that bad, after all you control what goes on it, and it is actually pretty fun!God!