Tuesday, December 26, 2006


As each day goes by, I look at myself in the mirror and say, "Man I am really out of shape. I need to start exercising." This seems to be my mantra about every 3 years. Most likely I will start to exercise again and loose about 20 lbs. But in 3 years I can already see myself saying the same thing again. So maybe I just need to say, "O well, Wayne, your getting older and being physically fit isn't as important as it was when I was in H.S. and College." But then again all the Dr.s say it is more important as you get older to be active and in good shape. It helps you maintain good health and avoid the hospital and the medicine. I have noticed and people have commented that I look much better and seem to be more energetic when I am at a lower weight.

I'm not one for making New Years resolutions, but I do like to set goals for myself. So what are some of the goals you have set for 2007?

Friday, December 22, 2006

Tis the Season

What are your plans for Christmas. We are planning on staying out here in the snowless Mid West. Christmas Eve we will celebrate with our church family in the morning. Christmas day we will enoy the morning with just our family, go to our friends in the afternoon and party.

So is Christmas just another excuse to spend money we don't have and get together with people and stuff our faces, or is there more to it. My hope for all who read this is that you will grow closer in your relationship with the Lord. Tis the season to rejoice in His birth. Christ came to allow for us to have a relationship with God. That relationship is what keeps me going from day to day. Tis the Season all year round.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Spare Time

What do we do with our spare time? (Reuters - Americans use TV ...) For me I know I don't mind the time I veg in front of the TV. But how much is too much. What are we neglecting or feeding when we are spending hours in front of the tube. When is the last time you spent 30 minutes in prayer instead of watching Seinfeld. Or when was the last time you read your Bible for an hour instead of surfing the web for something interesting like my blog? Even better when is the last time you took a couple of hours and went out into your community (maybe just to your neighbors) and talked to them about the love of Christ?

We seem to be able to come up with all kinds of excuses for why we can't do certain things, but what do you think the Lord's response to us is? Can you even imagine a world where just the Christians used their spare time to grow in their relationship with God or to help disciple a new believer or even to go out and be bold in spreading the good news?

Come On Ring Those Bells

Paul Grabill - It seems to me that it is often the older congregations that often teach that faith is a very private affair that are the ones most likely to have church bells that ring throughout American communities.We evangelicals normally keep our loud music within the four walls.:)I've always wondered why there aren't more complaints than there are about unsolicited music from ancient boom boxes (bell towers).

Here's a New York Times article about them bells, Christmas and otherwise.
What do you think?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Where Have They All Gone

A couple of weeks ago I preached a message on Leaving a Lasting Legacy. In that message I made the observation that in our church and in the majority of main-line denominational churches there is a huge age gap. The 25 to 55 year olds seem to be missing in action. I gave a couple of personal and statistical reasons for this, such as:
1. I was forced to attend church (a church I didn't like), where they crammed a bunch of thou shalt nots down my throat.
2. I can't just be myself at church, I feel everyone is judging me.
3. Church, what's that? I've never been.
4. The messages aren't relevant to my life. How many times do I really have to be told that I'm a sinner and if I don't "repent" and become "born again" I'm going to burn in hell forever. I got that message the first time when I was 5 and had nightmares for weeks. Trust me, I was scared into heaven. Tell me what the bible says about keeping my marriage together, how to raise my kids, what is good financial planning, how do I deal with my inlaws, how do I balance a busy schedule, etc...
5. The church I attended seemed to draw all the grumpy people, no one ever smiled.
6. I feel I have a stronger walk with God on my own, than having to be quilted into my salvation and service for Him.
7. I was really hurt by some people at my church growing up.
8. There a bunch of hypocrites. Act like angels on Sunday and devils the rest of the week.
9. I'm not sure what to do when I go to church. When I go to a movie I know to go in sit down (with popcorn and soda) and watch the movie. At a sporting event I know to go and root for my favorite team (at church its like they are all on the loosing team, where is the excitement?). At the grocery store, I know to go in, get my items, pay and leave. I mean even at the Dr. I know to sign in at the desk, have a seat, pick up a magazine and it'll be at least 30 to 40 min. Before the Dr. gets to me. But what am I supposed to do at church? Do I sit on the right or the left, or maybe there is assigned seating (there is a Bible that's been left in that spot every week and a the same person seems to claim it every week but never takes it home)? Do I sit, stand, clap, raise my hands, sing loud, sing soft, bring my Bible, read off the screen, smile, look grumpy, compliment the musicians (or is it worship team, I'm so confused)? Should I complain when they sing a song I don't know or one that is too loud or to fast or God forbid to country for my taste. Should a shout amen when I agree with the pastor's message or keep it to myself because it was a personal moment. Do I go up for prayer when I need it, or will everyone else be making assumptions (He's sick, his wife is leaving him, he manages his money poorly, he has an addiction to something) of what I am requesting prayer for? Do I shake hands, hug a neck, or give a holy kiss? Should I come back on Sunday night and Wednesday night? What are these small groups I keep hearing about, but am never invited to?

On and on it goes. So why do you think people ages 25-55 are no longer interested in attending church? If your in that age group I would love to hear your response. And what needs to be done to attract them to church, with out compromising the Word of God.

Who said we had to wear a suit and tie to church. What about those ladies who cut off the circulation to their brain because their hair is pulled up so tight in a bun. Do we make the rules or do we live by the Word of God.?

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Well I have waited three years for a big snow storm to hit East Alton, IL and it looks as if it will finally happen. I can only hope and pray. For once I hope my friends at AccuWeather (in the beautiful town of State College) are right. 6 to 12 inches of the fluffy white stuff. I love fresh fallen snow. It reminds me of the purity of my life when seen through the eyes of God. Thank you Jesus for your blood that makes me white as snow.

As an aside to this blog, let me direct you to a blog I read everyday. Pastor Paul Grabill of State College has a wonderful thought provoking blog www.scasssembly.blogspot.com, check it out. From time to time I may barrow his ideas or even use his posts on here. Thanks Paul for allowing me to do this.

Good Books

For those of you who enjoy reading I have some recommendations for you, but if you read them please drop me a post or email about what you think. In the past month I have completed The Barbarian Way & Chasing Daylight by Erwin McManus. I am currently reading Searching for God Knows What by Donald Miller. What unique and challenging books for the Christian. As with any book I don't know if I fully agree with all of there points, but they do cause you to search the Word of God. Another book that I have recently completed is Joseph by Charles Swindoll. I really enjoy the dramatic flair he has put into this Great Lives from God's Word series.

So how about you? Any recommendations? By the way, if you haven't checked out our churches website www.eaassembly.org what are you waiting for. There is basic info, as well as a resource page, and you can also listen to our Sunday Service online for free or download to your ipod.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! We are blessed to live in this great land of liberty. To be able to worship Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. I am thankful for my salvation paid for on Calvary and for my freedom paid for on the battle line by my fellow Americans. Thank you Lord for my beautiful wife, my two great kids and a wonderful family. I pray that your day will be a blessed and happy one. Give thanks to the Lord!

Friday, November 17, 2006

My Space

What do you think about the My Space Craze? My son and wife both have one. Most of the youth of our church have one. They use it to witness to their friends (a lot of them anyway). What dangers do you see in it if you dont have a private page? For me blogging is a hard enough chore. So I don't know if I'll ever get a space. Then again you never know.

One of my favorite myspace friends to visit is www.myspace.com-prsspace Pastor Rich is one of the most creative (crazy) guys I know. While there be sure to visit Doug Sayers space.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Debt Free Christmas

This Sunday I challenged the congregation to have a debt free Christmas. To not only put away the plastic but to cut it up. We have become so enamored with living the overindulged American life, that we have actually put ourselves, our children and our churches on the endangered species list. By endangered I mean that we have become a slave to the companies that tell us to buy now, pay later.

Along with living credit card free for two months, I challenged them to cut back on gifts for each other, gifts that really aren't necessary and are soon (next day in many cases) forgotten, and to invest in missions. Take the $3.00 away from Starbucks or $1.00 from McyDs and invest it in the building of spiritual lives for the kingdom of heaven. For most of us, in just two months, we could invest $120.00 in reaching the lost if we just cut out that coffee or pop from the convenience store.

If your trying to live debt free, here is a great sight for you. www.daveramsey.com

Monday, October 30, 2006

To Tell the Truth...or Not

In a recent article by Nancy Ortberg on Christianitytoday.com, she asks this question: "Is It Ever OK to Fudge on the Facts?" Nancy gives some great biblical examples of people who lied and were actually honored for it by God (Rahab, Shiphrah and Puah, Lot). But what about the scriptures that say, "Do not lie" (Leviticus 19:11) and "The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful" (Proverbs 12:22).

Is it ok to tell a little white lie, such as, "You look nice today," when inside your thinking I can't believe you wore that outfit to church. But you don't want to hurt their feelings. Is honesty the best policy?

Friday, October 27, 2006

Survival: To media or not to media?

I know more and more every day why I hate to watch and listen to the news. It is so depressing! Not only that, but it's election season and all I hear is attack ad after attack ad, and the media being biased. I like to think of myself as someone who is up to date on what is happening in the world but sometimes I wonder if it is even necessary.

I know we have an obligation and the wonderful freedom to vote in this country but sometimes (ok most of the time lately) I find that when I vote I'm just picking the lesser of the two evils. Neither the Republican or Democratic parties truly offer a candidate with my moral and Biblical values. So what's a Christian to do? I have my personal ideas but what do you think?

On a lighter note, Suzanne and I just enjoyed our favorite restaurant in St. Louis. De Palm Tree on Olive off of 170. It is Jamaican dining at it's best. Everything is made fresh when you order. None of this pre-cooked food. The jerk pork chops are the best, that is unless of course you like chicken, then the jerk chicken. Today we tried something new, they had a Friday buffet just 5 items (it's made fresh), curry chicken, black peppered white fish, beans & rice, cabbage, and salad. Unbelievable taste and quality as usual.

Cards are up 3-1 in the World Series. I won't tell you who I'm rooting for, but I can tell you this, it's the team with a former Pittsburgh Pirate on it. Enjoy the series and lets go Steelers! Because football is what really matters.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Joe Corbi's Pizza

The long awaited day for the Schaffer family has arrived. Our Joe Corbi pizza kits have arrived. We have gone 3 years without a good pizza. The pizza in St. Louis is, well, I'll be kind, not to my liking. If you or your organization are looking for a good fund raiser this is the best around. It took a lot of convincing but we finally talked them into venturing out to the Mid-West. It was the best fundraiser our youth group has ever done. FYI if you want to know what their product is like before using them, just ask and they will send you some sample kits. www.joecorbi.com MMMMMM. Just had my first bite. And it hasn't changed since the last one I had 31/2 years ago.

Friday, October 06, 2006

God's Work vs. My Play

When it comes to the work of the kingdom are we a bunch of cheapskates? Do we often settle for the quick, easy and cheap solutions or do we put forth the highest quality in time, talent and technology and finances? Recently a pastor friend was discouraged because he had "pumped up", (shared the heart of God to win the lost) a special offering for a community outreach. When the offering was taken a measly $223 dollars came in, less than $2.00 per individual in church that day. The next day he had the opportunity to visit a parishoner. Upon arrival at his home he noticed a brand new car in the driveway. Inside was a new wide screen plasma tv, and what appeared to be new furniture. Now here is the kicker. When the pastor was leaving the person said, "Oh, pastor I wanted to give to the outreach but didn't have my check book yesterday, could you please put this with the special offering." The pastor was encouraged that here was some one who had caught the vision to win the lost as he had, that is until he was in the car and looked at the check. $10.00.

All that to say, why do we sow into the worlds economy rather than the Lords economy? Is it all about us? or All about Him? Why will we spen $30-$90 a ticket to just get in to a Cardinals game. Then spend another $40 on food (0ver $200 for a family of 4), because hay they're a playoff team. But we wont invest $200 into winning souls for the kingdom of heaven. Well tip the waitress 15-20% but we struggle with giving God 10%. We'll be sure to get our morning coffee ($ .70 at McyDs, $3.00 at starbuck) but we fail to help the homeless person we've passed every day for the past month.

What's your thoughts. Leave a reply.

Middle Ground

First Assembly East Alton has begun a new ministry aimed at those between 20 and 55. We are calling our group Middle Ground. We are kicking off the fall season with a bonfire. Just a time of fun and fellowship to get to know one another.

Kiosk Giving: Good or Bad Idea?

Here's the CNN video link.
Take a swipe at it.:)

Update: Here's a print version in the LA Times.

Blog idea from www.scassembly.blogspot.com

Monday, May 01, 2006

Help Name Ministry

At 1st A/G here in East Alton we have begun a new ministry for 20-55 year olds (young to middle aged adults), and we are looking for a name to call ourselves. Some suggestions have been: Middle of the Road, Up and Comers, Middle Ground, and Under the Influence (not my first choice). Any sugestions would be great.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

What a treat it was to go to the Pirate's vs Cardinals game at the New Bush Stadium on Monday Night. To bad the Pirates had to disappoint me once again. I think the Pirates need to adopt the Veggie Tales song "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" as their new theme song. Especially since this is the worst start in Pirate History.
I am so thankful that at least the vendors at the stadium where wearing yellow. It made it look like there was actually 50 Pirate fans instead of the 6 that I know of. Every one was bragging about their new beautiful stadium with a view of the Gateway Arch. Whoopdy Doo, boring. There is nothing like the skyline view at PNC Park.
There are some great benefits to being married to an Italian. Home made ravioli! being just one of them. Suzanne spent all day making ravioli. And I just spent 20 minutes devouring a dozen. Yum Yum! I thought she made great cakes but the ravioli has to be my favorite.
Well, we have our first church league softball game tonight at 9:30. Hopefully tomorrow we will not have our first visit to the the E.R. It's amazing how out of shape you can get over the winter. Really, I just don't want to admit that I'm getting old.
Just 10 more days till I fly to Bolivia. I'm really excited about the ministry opportunity that we will have while we are there. Just keep Suzanne and the kids in prayer while I'm gone. I have never been away for more than 3 days before.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Where Have I Been

Well I know it has been awhile since my last blog. This whole blog thing is just hard to keep up on with so many other things going on in my life. But I will do a little update now for those of you that actually take the time every day to see if I have left anything.
Just 2 more weeks until I'm off for Bolivia. Praise the Lord all of my funds have been raised. The church took an offering and what came in has covered the cost of my trip. I am really looking forward to it. Please be in prayer for one of the pastors going with us, he is actually undergoing tests this week for an unknown sickness he has had the past 3 weeks. Pray that God would heal his body so that he will be able to go with us.
Thanks to some wonderful friends (Debby and Dave) from our old church in PA, I am now the proud wearer of 3 Steelers shirts. I where them with pride out here in St Louis Rams territory.
Suzanne and I on occasion have the opportunity to do some mystery shopping. We recently each had to complete 11 mystery shops of a local credit union. In doing so we often have to give a made up name when we are talking with account service reps.. Today was one of those occasions. Suzanne was in front of me waiting to meet with a rep and when they asked for her name I heard her say Schaffer, which meant that I couldn't be Mr. Schaffer for this shop. So I quickly thought, "well I guess I'll just be Mr. Johnson." So when they asked for my last name I told them Johnson. As I was sitting in the waiting area I started to think, "O boy what am I going to tell the rep when she asks what my first name is? I know, I'll just use my middle name." About 10 seconds went by and, "O no, I can't use my middle name, it's Howard." I couldn't go back there as Mr. Howard Johnson. . . . So . . . I was Tim Johnson for about 5 minutes.
I see that my Pirates are off to another great start this year. All I ask is that they win for me this Monday as me and my son will probably be the only 2 of 40,000 in black and gold in the new Bush stadium. Go Bucs! One thing I love about the Cardinals organization is that as a pastor I can apply for a season pass for two that is free. The only games I am not able to attend are games that are sold out. Which this year is more than half of their games. But I don't have to worry about any of the Pirate games being sold out. Yippy!
Well, enough for this blog. I will try to keep up a little better. At least once a week, I hope. It's the least I can do for all of you die hard blogger fans.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Shoveling Out

Well, we woke up this morning to the most beautiful day we have had since we moved to the mid-west 2 years ago. We finally got some snow! Yippy! (Alton-snow) Mind you it was only three inches, but it covered and stuck to everything. The trees were absolutely beautiful. For all of my PA friends, you'll get a kick out of this, they actually canceled school today for 3 inches. I know, it makes no sense to me either. But that's ok, my kids had the privilege of enjoying their first school snow day since we left PA. (to bad there are NO HILLS around here to sled on). I did think about hooking up a rope to the back of the mini-van and pulling them along behind, but the wisdom of my wife prevailed. I just hope that I don't have to wait another two years for more snow.

Last Sunday was awesome! We had 13 teens and adults follow the Lord in baptism. We are seeing some wonderful things taking place at church. God is so faithful to those who follow him. We have seen such an increase in our youth ministry (thanks Pastor Eric and Liz and all you youth leaders) that we are having to seriously look at moving forward with building a new youth center. Just 2 years ago we were averaging 12 teens, now we are averaging over 70 teens a week. They broke the 100 mark twice last September. Our children's ministries are undergoing a bit of a make over as well. Pioneer Clubs on Wednesday nights is growing and we have had to split up one of the classes. Our Children's Church ministry is also growing. Exciting things are happening at East Alton First Assembly www.eaassembly.org.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Going to Bolivia

Just cleared the way to take a missions trip to Bolivia, May 8-18. I will be going with Convoy of Hope International with coordinator Jack Belin (Belin). We are going on a Mission of Mercy trip, where we will be going into remote vilages and poor towns to distribute much needed food and supplies. We will be working with missionaries Steve and Lori Potutschnig in the distribution of the food (Potutsching)The trip itself costs $1500. But it is the goal of every one going to pay for at least $2000.00 in food to be distributed. With such short notice, my faith has just increased greatly, knowing that I will need to raise the $2000 in just 6 short weeks. However, I know that my God is able!

If any one is interested in helping to meet the need of those in Bolivia who have basically nothing, please feel free to contact me via email at schaffer@apci.net. and I will let you know how to help with this trip. It has been Ten years since my last missions trip to Jamaica, so I am really looking forward to this. Please also pray that I can get my passport ASAP!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Finally Moved

Hello again everyone. Sorry for the long delay in posting, but it has been a frenzied two weeks. We finally sold our house and had to be out in 4 weeks. Plus we had to do some minor repairs to it, as well as some major repairs and fix ups (actually built a bedroom in the basement for Michael)to the church parsonage.
But everything looks great. We moved Thursday and Friday, and so now we are just unpacking and setting up rooms. What an experience. Every time I move I ask myself,"Why do I have so much stuff?" and every time I move I seem to get rid of more and more.

I know it's not just me, our society is fixated on having more. More buffets, more food selections at the buffet. More toys, more buttons, more horse-power, more stuff! What would happen if we just gave up the 80% of the stuff we don't need or even use, and instead invested in the Kingdom of heaven? Thus the answer that some of you were wondering from the start of this blog, "Why did you move?" Suzanne and I have really been challenged lately on two levels. 1st to honor God in everything! 2nd to live a debt free life. Why pay a mortgage and taxes when you can use that same money to support a missionary and the church. Why allow yourself to maintain the same debt load year after year after year, when in one year you can be 95% debt free (the car will take a couple extra months).

If you live your life (completely) for the Lord, your desire should be to please the Lord in everything, from finances to faithfulness. Our God gave His all, it's time we start giving our all! What stuff can you give up today and instead invest in the kingdom of heaven? Maybee that $1.00 soda, if you drink water and give the $1.00 to the Lord in one year you have just given $365 to the Lord. Or how about that Starbucks? Imagine what you could do for the Lord. You could almost cover a missionaries entire month of support needed if you gave to God instead of stomach and taste buds.

Well didn't meen for this to turn into a sermon, just want us to consider what level of stuff we give to God vs. Self. Keep your focus on Him!

Friday, February 10, 2006

We Got One For The Thumb

After waiting 16 years of my life, since I was in 6th grade, the Pittsburgh Steelers have given me the joy of celebrating their 5th Super Bowl victory! Way to go Steelers! Even though it wasn't the most entertaining of Super Bowls, and sure there were some questionable calls, but hey, a win is a win. Enjoy your retirement "Bus" you deserve it. For all of my friends and family back in PA, it sure was lonely watching the game with only one other Steeler fan (thanks Pastor Eric). Living in St.Louis doesn't afford me much black and gold material. So if any of you feel led to send me a Super Bowl champions hat or t-shirt, I wouldn't object.
Way to go steelers, way to go!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Pittsburgh's Goin to the Super Bowl

O the pain of living in the mid-west and being a Steeler fan. I am certainly missing the black and gold decor. At least I have my terrible towel, Steeler's cap, t-shirt, pennant, and peanut container to keep me going. How I have longed for the day of "One for the Thumb!" Will this be the year? If the last 6 weeks are any indication of how they will play in XL Game then I'm almost certain the Bus will be painted in real gold with headlights made of diamonds.

The trick for me will be able to get through our entire Sunday evening service and make it home without hearing any score of the game. I plan on tvoing it so I can watch the beginning and then be caught up to it probably about half time. That is, unless the Spirt of the Lord is moving in our service, and in that case I would definitely sacrifice seeing the game.

Today I got an unexpected gift from three of the girls in the youth group. They decided to decorate my tamborine. They covered it in sea blue and white ribbon and beads, and wrote on the ribbons, "Go Seatle, beat Pittsburg". I told them that they would have to seriously repent for the error of their ways. And that the tamborine is no longer useful. So I'm thinking about going out or trying to find a little steeler one for Sunday morning.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Is God #1

In a recent email from the Pastors Weekly Briefing (Focus On The Family) there was the following article:
Pastors vs. Congregants
Based on a representative national sample of 627 Protestant pastors across denominations, a study by the Barna Group (Barna) revealed that pastors believe on average that 70 percent of the adults in their churches view their faith as their greatest priority. However, among those who attend Protestant churches (to accurately compare Protestant pastor and congregants), the study found that less than one out of every four (23%) listed God as their highest life priority.

Those more likely to make God their number one priority include evangelicals (51%), African-Americans (38%) and adults who attend a house church (34%). The people least likely to put God first as a priority were adults under 30 years of age, residents of the Northwest and West, and those who described themselves as mostly liberal on political and social matters.

"The nation's adults deserve credit for acknowledging that God is not a top priority in their life", said Barna. "The challenge to church leaders is to stop pandering for popularity and to set the bar higher. People only live up to the expectations set for them. When the dominant expectations are that people show up, play nicely together and keep the system going, the potential for having the kinds of life-changing experiences that characterized the early Church are limited. If churches believe in the life-changing power of the gospel and the Holy Spirit, they must hold people to a higher and more challenging standard."

Where are you spiritually? Is God # 1?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Gave Blood

Today we had our church blood drive, thanks to everyone who gave. Poor Pastor Eric, he was the first to take the seat in the blood withdrawal chair. I'm not sure if he got the bad seat or just has some seriously clogged up veins but it took him 30 min to fill his bad. I sat down 15 min after he started and was done in 6 min. Of course, he had to make the comment, "Thin blood, that must be why you have thinning hair." All in good fun of course.

As I sat there it really caused me to reflect on the power and life that there is in blood. With out it we die. There is a lady in our church who currently going through a difficult psychical challenge. For some reason her body is not producing blood. This caused her to pass out and almost lose her life this past week. As I visited her in the hospital she shared how they were going to probably need to give her 3 pints of blood because her body was so depleted. With out the blood transfusion she would most likely be facing difficult days. But thanks for the blood.

Thanks for the life giving blood of Jesus Christ! With out it we all would surely perish. If not for his shed blood upon the cross of Calvary there would be no hope. As Christ shed his blood on the cross he knew that someday, actually that very day it would be needed by another. He knew that you and I would be in need of that life giving blood. His blood is the blood that never looses it's power. It is just as powerful to heal and to save today as it was 2000 years ago.

If you have never given your life to the one who died and shed his blood for you, why not do it right now. Without the forgiveness of your sins by His blood, you, me, all are condemned to die and spend eternity in hell. Knowing your sins are forgiven and you are ready for heaven is as simple as the following steps:

A. Admit you have sinned.....

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23)
"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us" (1 John 1:8).

B. Believe in Jesus.....

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16).

C. Confess and leave your sin.....

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).

You might want to use the following prayer as a guide:

Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I'm a sinner, and I'm sorry for my sin. Thank You for dying on the Cross for me. Please forgive me of my sin, and accept me as Your child. I desire to live for You, Jesus. Amen.

Maybe you can take the time this week or next to give blood as well.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Happy Anniversary Jamaican Style

14 years, my how time flies when your having fun. Happy Anniversary Suzanne!
We just returned from the most incredible restaurant in St. Louis, De Palm Tree. If you remotely like Jamaican you'll love De Palm Tree! If your ever in St. Louis it's a must, located off of 170 and Olive. The Jerk Pork is out of this world, three extremely tender pork loins marinated and smothered in their own jerk sauce accompanied by a side of beans and rice and a side of pineapple. Suzanne had the 1/4 jerk chicken, nice and spicy.

When it comes to eating out I've got my two favorites since moving out to the Midwest: #1 definitely De Palm Tree and #2 is our local China Star restaurant right here in East Alton. So if you ever want to go to lunch or are in town visiting either one is a sure tasters satisfaction.

We finally discovered some real pizza out here. Only trouble is that we have to drive 45 minutes to Fox's Pizza in O’fallon, MO. But it's worth the drive for a Pittsburgh based pizza shop that knows what a white pizza and a wedgie are.

What are your favorite restaurants where you live?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

They Tried to Steele It!

I don't know about you, but for me watching the Steeler game on Sunday was a bit nerve racking. With five minutes to go and a sure interception by Troy P. the game was in the bag! So every Black and Gold fan thought. Then coming out of the commercial break something strange happened. The officials blew the call and overturned the interception. To which the NFL has admitted their fault http://www.superbowl.com/news/story/9168866 (Lot of good that would have done if the Steelers lost), but hey we're (NFL) still going to penalize Joey Porter $50,000 for speaking the truth. If that wasn't enough for us die hard fans to be fuming over, what about the heart attack we all had as the old reliable Bus (familiar to many pastor's) became unreliable. For the game with its total domination by the Steelers to come down to a field goal attempt from the most accurate kicker in the NFL, WOW! To view with anticipation as the kick was away and to see and hear, "He missed it, wide right." O the jubilation that erupted in the hearts of every black and gold fan across the globe. But wait, what would the officials come up with to give them another chance. An offsides no false start movement didn't happen not really a penalty, but we'll let'em kick it again because we feel bad for the guy call? I was waiting to come back from the break after time had expired to see both teams on the sidelines because they mismanaged the clock and found that Indy had 32 sec. left. Man am I glad it's just a game and not life! I couldn't handle that every day.

O, well. We won and it's on to Denver to then Detroit. Let's go Steelers!

Monday, January 09, 2006

"We Are" - "Penn State" and Steelers

Living in the St. Louis area dosen't afford me much coverage of my two favorite teams, so it is always difficult to see or hear a game unless they are playing a local team. But this past week was awesome! The entire nation was able to witness the two greatest sports franchises in action. What a thrill when finally the Nittany Lions won the game in triple over time and then to come home Sunday night after church to watch on my DVR (greatest tech. invention since the computer) the Steelers erase the Bungels.

Now if only the Penguins and the Pirates could get their act together.

Here we go Steelers, here we go!
One for the thumb in ... how long has it been? Oh ya, 26 years. Man am I getting old.
Well, let's try this - The perfect mix for a ring in 2006.

Italy Vs. Jesus

Wow. Can this be for real? I thought it was some sort of bad joke. Apparently, the "story" of Jesus' existence is in legal jeopardy. Speaking of frivolous lawsuits... Read about this zany situation in its entirety here.
What's the deal?

Yeah for the Dow, Topping 11,000 for the first time since June 2001. But what does the future hold?

Is it God or is it Racquetball?

To say that our services yesterday were awesome would be an understatement. What a wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit could be felt in the place. I am so thankful for the faithfulness of God and his people.

As I was reading this morning, I came across this quote and was just wondering how some of you would respond to it.
"The effectiveness of our preaching is not measured by how enamored they are with our preaching or how stellar we are in our capacity to communicate, but rather in whether or not their lives are more like Christ today than they were six months ago." Joseph M. Stowell - Shepherding the Church into the 21st Century (By the way pastors I highly recommend this book!) As pastors sometimes we struggle with knowing the effectiveness of our ministry, ie. Preaching, teaching, counseling, soul-wining, discipleship, etc. As I read this quote it stirred me to think that our
number one objective must be to see lives transformed by the gospel and not by the program.

How many churches today have great programs like softball, golf, exercise, weight loss, quilting, bowling, and the list goes on and on, but yet their people have no foundational knowledge or truth of who Christ is or what He has to say about living your life?

From the Doonesbury comic strip Comes this portrayal of today's church. The parish rector of the Little Church of Walden is discussing the focus of his church with a prospective couple.

The Pastor asks, "So what would you like to know about Little Church of Walden, folks? Don't hold back--I know how difficult it can be to choose a church."
The interested husband responds, "well, what's your basic approach here, Reverend? Is it traditional gospel?"
"In a way, I like to describe it as a 12-step Christianity. . . . Basically, I believe that we're all recovering sinners. My ministry is about overcoming denial, it's about re-commitment, about redemption. It's all in the brochure there."
The pastor's response stimulates the wife's interest, and she queries, "Wait a minute --sinners? Redemption? Doesn't all that imply . . . Guilt?"
To which the pastor responds, "Well, yes, I do rely on the occasional disincentives to keep the flock from going astray. Guilt's part of that!"
The husband responds, "I dunno. there's so much negativity in the world as it is." And his wife chimes in, "That's right. We're looking for a church that's supportive, a place where we can feel good about ourselves. I'm not sure this guilt thing works for us."
The husband observes, "On the other hand, you do offer racquetball . . ." To which his wife responds, "So did the Unitarians, honey. Let's Shop around some more."
Gary B Trudeau, Doonsbury. Universal Press Syndicated, 1993

We must believe this, that, "greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4)